2024 Winners AnnouncedFinalists for the inaugural Star Hospitality Hutt Valley Sports Awards were announced by the judging panel via various media channels late April/early May 2023.
Winners of each category, along with an overall winner, were announced during the 23rd of May Awards Ceremony at the Walter Nash Centre in Taita. Mark Sorenson was also inducted as Hutt Valley Sporting Legends during the ceremony. 2023 Winners AnnouncedFinalists for the inaugural Star Hospitality Hutt Valley Sports Awards were announced by the judging panel via various media channels late April/early May 2023.
Winners of each category, along with an overall winner, were announced during the 25th May Awards Ceremony at the Walter Nash Centre in Taita. Russell & Betty Watt were also inducted as Hutt Valley Sporting Legends during the ceremony. 2022 Winners AnnouncedFinalists for the inaugural Kāpura Hutt Valley Sports Awards were announced by the judging panel via various media channels late April/early May 2022.
Winners of each category, along with an overall winner, were announced during the 26th May Awards Ceremony at the Walter Nash Centre in Taita. Bill Byrne was also inducted as a Hutt Valley Sporting Legend during the ceremony. 2021 Winners AnnouncedFinalists for the inaugural Kāpura Hutt Valley Sports Awards were announced by the judging panel via various media channels late April/early May 2021.
Winners of each category, along with an overall winner, were announced during the 27th May Awards Ceremony at the Walter Nash Centre in Taita. Wainuiomata's very own Niniwa Roberts was also inducted as a Hutt Valley Sporting Legend during the ceremony. |
Latest News
2021 Hutt Valley Sports Awards - Nomination Now Open

Organisers of the annual Hutt Valley Sports Awards are calling for nominations for the 2021 event.
Two new categories have been added for 2021 - "Young Team of the Year" and "Media Contribution of the Year". Winners will be announced during the awards event in the Hutt Valley on Thursday 27 May 2021 at the Walter Nash Stadium.
Two new categories have been added for 2021 - "Young Team of the Year" and "Media Contribution of the Year". Winners will be announced during the awards event in the Hutt Valley on Thursday 27 May 2021 at the Walter Nash Stadium.
2020 Winners Announced
9 October 2020
Finalists for the inaugural Kāpura Hutt Valley Sports Awards were announced by the judging panel via various media channels mid August 2020.
Winners of each category, along with an overall winner, were announced during the 8 October Awards Ceremony at the Walter Nash Centre in Taita. Naenae Cricket's very own Ewen Chatfield was also inducted as a Hutt Valley Sporting Legend during the ceremony. |
26 August 2020
New Date to Celebrate

We can confirm that we have set down a new date to celebrate the Hutt Valley's sporting achievements this year. We look forward to hosting our guests on Thursday 8th October at the Walter Nash Centre. For more information, head over to our Facebook page.
24 August 2020
Alert Level 2 - Update

We had hoped to be celebrating the Hutt Valley's sporting elite on Thursday 3 September 2020. Given that we will still be at Alert Level 2 next week we will have to postpone our event once more. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page over the next week or 2 as we keep you updated on when we can celebrate together.
5 August 2020
2020 Finalist Announced

We have great pleasure in announcing the finalists for this year’s Kāpura Hutt Valley Sports Awards. The Judging Panel, headed by convener Naomi Shaw, were overwhelmed with the number of nominations this year and acknowledged the high calibre of nominees in each of the 10 publicly nominated categories for the 2020 event. 2020 Finalists announced
22 April 2019
2019 Finalists Announced

The Hutt Valley Sports Awards Judging Panel, headed by convener Naomi Shaw, has announced the finalists in each of the 10 publicly nominated categories for the 2019 event... http://www.huttvalleysportsawards.co.nz/2019-finalists-announced1.html
20 February 2018
2018 Hutt Valley Sports Awards Nominations OpenOrganisers of the annual Hutt Valley Sports Awards are calling for nominations for the 2018 event.
A new category has been added for 2018 - "Exceptional Service to Hutt Valley Sport". Winners will be announced during what has become the largest awards event in the Hutt Valley on Thursday 17 May at the Walter Nash Stadium... read more |
18 May 2017
Nick Willis crowned Supreme WinnerMiddle distance runner Nick Willis has been crowned the Supreme Winner of the 2017 Hutt Valley Sports Awards after taking out the Sportsman of the Year category at the lavish awards ceremony in Taita... read more
15 April 2017
2017 Finalists AnnouncedTwo finalists with Olympic medals - Nick Willis and Mary Fisher - are amongst the Hutt Valley Sports Awards finalists. Fisher won gold at the Rio Paralympics by setting a world record in the backstroke S11... read more
29 March 2017
Last Notice - Nominations ClosingLAST NOTICE: NOMINATIONS CLOSE Friday 7 April at 12.00pm. DO NOT LET YOUR EXCELLENT ATHLETES, COACHES AND ADMNISTRATORS DOWN. Criteria and details of Categories and the Nomination Form are on our website. Nominations will be accepted through the online form only... read more
16 February 2017
2017 Hutt Valley Sports Awards nominations open
Organisers of the second annual Hutt Valley Sports Awards are calling for nominations for the 2017 event.
To be awarded during a lavish celebration ceremony on Thursday 18 May at the Walter Nash Stadium, the Awards are an opportunity for high performing sportspeople, officials and administrators to be recognised for their achievements over the previous 12 months... read more |